Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adventurer Terwilliger

Life is just an adventure to Holden. No challenge too great.

First challenge: a car seat blocking his door to the hall.

Challenge accepted!

Holden spots a small opening between the seat and the doorway. A lesser man would deem it too small, but not Holden. After much grunting and yelling, he pushes his way through the opening and finds his way into the hall.


Next challenge: a sleeping dog in the hallway.

Challenge accepted!

He tries to go around the back, but Mac moves, stretching his body across the entire hall. Holden pauses to reevaluate the situation. He decides that he has no choice, but to go over the dog. With each hand, he grabs a chunk of fur and starts to make his way over when the beast awakes. He looks him right in the eye, and then charges forward. The beast is not happy and tries to get him off. A battle ensues.

Oh! Challenge intercepted by Mom!

Here's a video of the start of this little adventure:

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Holden’s First Library Visit

Watching the big kids at the library

I took Holden to the children’s section of the library for the first time yesterday. Bill and I had taken him to the main parts several times, but for the first time, after many rainy days, I decided to take him there to actually play. He’s a very social child and loves watching people, especially kids, so I thought it would be fun for him if we just sat on the edge of the play area so he could do some up close people watching.

Holden had a blast. I, on the other hand, was trying hard not to hyperventilate. As a certified germ-aphobe, I quickly learned that, as a mother, I need to get over it.

As we sat on the filthy rug that had the strong scent of urine, I saw all these little wooden blocks scattered about. I soon learned that these blocks were not actually for building or playing, rather, they served as a community snack for all the children. I saw one child noshing on a block and then toss it, only so another kid could pick up the block and nosh on it. When that kid was done with the block, another one soon stepped in for a bite. Picture a joint being passed around, only rather than experiencing a fun high, you instead get some nasty illness so far passed down that even the CDC would have a difficult time finding patient zero. I was fascinated and horrified at the same time.

But as I said, Holden had a fabulous time. Now able to sit up well on his own, he sat on the rug shrieking with utter excitement at the chaos that surrounded him. And he wanted to be a part of it all. He took every opportunity to make eye contact with someone and have a conversation with them. He talked to people even when they weren’t paying attention to him. There was one father there who kept quizzing his son… annoyingly, so. He kept asking, “What’s this? What’s this?” and then would get frustrated when his kid kept trying to, god forbid, play. And the thing is, the kid was barely verbal. I mean, he kept referring to the kangaroo as “ouch.” But with the way his father kept interrogating him, I can only think that the boy meant “ouch” as in “Ouch, dad, I can already see the huge bill from my psychologist when I am 30 and impotent because of my performance anxiety.”

But I digress…

Even though this guy’s son had no interest in being quizzed, Holden didn’t mind and kept babbling answers every time the guy asked a question. The guy didn’t pay any attention, as he was too busy being annoyed with his kid, but I found it hilarious.

At one point, a toddler came up to Holden and started patting him like a dog. Holden was awestruck by this little person. After happily screaming and babbling non-stop since we got to the library (including in the lobby and the elevator), Holden suddenly had nothing to say. As this kid was vigorously patting Holden’s arm, all Holden could do was stare up at him with a dumbstruck smile. He didn’t even care that he was being whacked repeatedly.

Shortly after we started our walk home, Holden zonked out. All that crazy fun tuckered my sweet little boy out. And because I love him, we’ll go back… and at some point, I’ll even let him partake in the communal block eating… after, of course, I get him fitted with a child-sized dental dam.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Holden's First Vacation

A couple of weeks ago we took Holden on his first vacation. We rented a house up in Vermont that was secluded and set up on a hill. It was an amazing piece of property with a ton of open land and beautiful views. The main living area was all windows with a breathtaking view of the valley below and a range of mountains in the distance. We all had so much fun. Even the rain was fun because we had an unobstructed view of lightning shooting across the valley.

It was especially fun to watch Holden take everything in and enjoy himself. One night Bill made a camp fire and we roasted marshmallows. Holden went nuts, excitedly kicking his legs and shrieking with delight. He loved the fire and holding the marshmallow stick. We also took the dogs swimming a lot and Holden got a kick out of watching them romp through the water.

For three days, my Aunt Sally and Uncle Don from Florida came and stayed with us. Holden absolutely adored them. And it was so great for Bill and I to see them, as it has been years since we've all been together.

The dogs also had a blast. My aunt and uncle completely spoiled them by throwing the ball literally all day and also finding a cool place for them to swim. I kid you not, when my aunt and uncle left, the dogs were really depressed.

Below are some pictures from the trip (thanks, Uncle Don, for taking so many). If you click on them, you can get a larger view. Enjoy!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Strongman Terwilliger

Holden is super strong. I swear he was working out in-utero, which would explain all the crazy movements I felt while I was pregnant. He actually loves "exercise." It's really cute. He has been able to hold his head up since the beginning and he started putting weight on his legs a couple of weeks ago. He quickly moved up to being able to stand only holding our hands. He really likes it and as he does it he gets super excited and starts smiling and making grunting noises like a weightlifter. It cracks me up. He'll look right at me as he does it and when I say, "Oh! You're so strong!" he gets even more excited.

Holden loves tummy time, too, which really threw me off because every kid I have tried tummy time with has hated it. When he first started doing it, which was pretty much as soon as we brought him home, we tried to start him slow with small intervals. But he'll cry and get really mad if we flip him over to his back. And when we flip him back on his belly, he’ll start to “coo” happily. It’s so funny.

We took this photo today. He stood like that for about a minute. Not bad for only 5 weeks old.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Baby

(You'll have to excuse my silly speech.)

Corn on the Cob Kisses

Mommy found a Moment...

So, Bill asked me, "When are you going to update the blog?" to which I said, "My big activity this morning was that I was finally able to go to the bathroom after holding it for hours, but yes, let me get on that blog."

I was only half kidding. I really can't complain. My amazing husband has been taking care of everything, from making sure I am well fed to all the house chores to taking care of the dogs to making late night runs to the store for baby wipes, so that my only “job” has had to be smothering our beautiful child with endless hugs and kisses. Bill has even been taking over the kissing and hugging for several hours, so that I can get a nice long stretch of sleep (I’ve been pumping so he can give the little guy a bottle). The other night I got a full 8 hours of sleep. It was incredible. And in addition to all of this, he still finds the time to smother me in kisses and tell me how beautiful he thinks I am. I have never felt more like a queen.

Not only do I have an amazing husband, but I have a fabulous son. Since the day Holden was born, Bill and I have been saying to each other “What did we do to deserve such a great kid?” Holden is sweet and cuddly, happy and smiley, alert and curious. He loves to be held and is easy to soothe. He is a very happy baby. Last night he cast his dad and I under a spell as we sat and watched him laugh in his sleep. And there has been no greater feeling than picking him up and getting a big smile in return. He makes his likes and dislikes known, but there has been nothing that some kisses and cuddling hasn’t been able to fix.

The last three weeks have been wonderful, but surreal. I still can’t believe that what I am living is my life. I feel incredibly blessed by my amazing family. I have no idea what I have done to deserve them all or the life that I have. I can’t believe that my “job” is to spend every day hanging out with my wonderful little boy and our sweet and loving dogs. Life is good.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Our Little Piece of Heaven

Born April 19, 2010 at 6:44PM. 7lbs, 7 oz. 19.5 inches.
Details to come...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Eviction Notice

Today I am 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I went for antepartum testing at the hospital just to make sure that the little guy is doing well and that my amniotic levels are okay. For the first test, I was hooked up to a fetal monitor for 20 minutes while they evaluated his heart rate. At first, Bill and I were completely freaked out. Holden’s heart rate went as high as 173bpm to as low as 108bpm. We were like, “What is going on?!” But then the nurse explained to us that that was actually a really good sign. As we learned, babies, up until they are a few weeks old, have heart rates that vary dramatically depending on their activity. So, when Holden moved, his heart would race, and when he rested, it would drop. As always, he was super active and interactive. He would respond to everything from the monitors being on my stomach to the sound of Bill’s voice. He was so active that they kept me on the monitor for longer than 20 minutes because they had a difficult time calculating a baseline heart rate. But again, the nurses said that they are never concerned that there is too much activity, so even though he is a super active boy, it is a really good sign for his well being. And we were happy to hear that for this portion of the testing, he scored an 8 out of 8.

The next test was for my amniotic levels, which are completely normal and fine. There was no concern at all.

After the antepartum testing, I saw my OB. She said that while everything looks great, she doesn’t like to have patients go passed 41 weeks. So, unless Holden comes before Monday morning, my plans for a completely natural, drug-free delivery will not have a chance to materialize and I will have to be induced with Pitocin. Though, my doctor, probably sensing my disappointment, said that I actually have *ear muffs for the sensitive* a very favorable cervix and am already almost 3cm dilated, so I will probably just need a little push from the Pitocin, but will then be able to achieve the remainder of my delivery goals. And because of the condition that I am in now, I may not even make it to Monday morning, in which case I wouldn’t even need drug intervention to be induced.

While the possibility of having to be induced is disappointing, I have had such an amazing pregnancy that I can’t really complain. And more importantly, I am so happy and reassured that my little boy is doing so well. Plus, as Bill pointed out, we now know that by this Tuesday we will definitely, and finally, be holding him in our arms. Four days to go and Bill and I will officially be known as Daddy and Mommy!

Friday, April 9, 2010

All Packed Up, But Baby’s a No Go

So, even though my due date is not until next Monday, for the last two weeks I have been in a state where my doctor said I could go into labor at anytime. But the baby seems content to stay put and we have found ourselves in the not so fun waiting period. I’m a planner and as much as I have prepared myself to accept the unknown and have been told a thousand times that even with all the advancement in medicine there is still no predicting just when the baby will come, I am finding the waiting stressful. People keep telling me that everything will work out and be fine and that I don’t need to worry, but I can’t help myself. I worry, and that’s why I like to plan. But perhaps this is one of my first lessons in parenting--- patience and flexibility.

One thing that I can look forward to is that maybe he will be born on Saturday. Wouldn’t 4-10-2010 be a cool birthday? Did you hear that, Holden? 4-10-2010. Why don’t you aim for that date, little guy.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

39 Weeks!!

Me, Red and Holden

Little Boy, You are so Loved

Did I ever tell you about my amazing little boy? Not even born yet, he has already charmed his mommy and daddy with his funny little personality. And he is already a daddy’s boy!

A few months ago, I noticed that the little guy started responding to sound, especially to the sound of Bill’s voice. Whenever Bill speaks, Holden starts kicking and jumping around with a little more enthusiasm than usual. This was somewhat confirmed when one weekend Bill went away to a conference. Holden did his normal “playing” but when Bill came back home and he heard his voice again, I felt and saw kicks of excitement, like, “Hey! Where have you been? I’ve missed you!”

When I first told Bill about my observations, I think he thought I was a little delusional. But one day, in an effort to convince him that I was not crazy, I told him to talk to my belly and watch what happens. Bill put his hand on my stomach and said, “Hi, little guy. How are you?”

*POW!* Bill got a huge kick to the hand! At first, it took Bill off guard and he backed up a little and said, “Whoa!” But then immediately, we both started laughing. Neither of us expected that big of a reaction. What a funny little boy we have.

After that, it wasn’t long before Bill bought a book with bedtime stories and started reading to the little guy. And Holden loved it! As Bill read, Holden would jump and dance and spin. I kept saying, “Look! See him!” And Bill kept saying, “I can’t read and look at the same time!” Haha.

Recently, I have noticed that Holden has been responding to touch, which has blown my mind. A couple of weeks ago, he flipped so that he is now upside down. A funny side effect of this is that he now sticks his cute little butt up towards my chest. And he sticks it so far out that I can practically cup it in my hand. The first time that he did it, I put my hand on him and I think it may have spooked him because he quickly moved away. Out of instinct, the next few times he did it, I again put my hand on him, and again he quickly moved away. But then one time he actually moved back. I thought, “Is this really happening?” I started rubbing his little bum and back, and he stayed still. After a bit, I took my hand off my belly, but he pushed against where my hand was—hard. I put my hand back and started rubbing again and he relaxed and stayed still. I couldn’t believe it. Was he trying to say “More, please”? Whatever the reason, this has become a little routine of ours. He pushes against me and I give him a little back rub. And more often than not, if I stop, he pushes out even harder.

One day, he pushed out really hard against my ribs. It was uncomfortable, so I tried to coax him to move, but I didn’t want to push him. Rubbing him only seems to make him stay in place, so this time I tickled him a little. He immediately started wriggling around. It was so darn cute!

So now we have a daily routine of back rubs and when he jams himself under my ribs or in my hip, I just tickle him a little until he wriggles his way out. And everyday, Bill talks to him and also gives him a little back rub. It is so sweet watching how Holden reacts to his daddy. It makes us yearn for him to be here even more so that we can hold him and kiss him. Not even born yet, he is such a loved little boy.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010


The boy is definitely getting big! When he was small, I'd feel a faint sensation deep in my belly and think "Is that a hiccup? No. Wait! Umm... yeah. Hmm... that's a hiccup. Oh! And there's another one. Aww... how cute."

Now, there is no denying when he has the hiccups. Not only does my belly move with almost violent spasms, but I feel like my whole boy jumps with each hiccup. It makes me happy when he gets the hiccups because it means that he is practicing breathing techniques and is that much closer to being here. But at the same time, I'm like,"Please! I need a break! You are making me dizzy!"

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Class Clown

At 38 weeks, I am very obviously pregnant. Thursday, Bill and I were at the OB’s office waiting in line to check in. When the receptionist asked, “Can I help you?” Bill walked up and said, “Yes, we are here for a pregnancy test, please.”

Usually, when Bill makes a joke, I laugh and people see me laughing, which tells them that it is okay for them to laugh, too. But I was thrown off guard by this one and had a look of shock, which told the receptionist that it was okay for her to be shocked, too. She looked like she was about to yell, “We have a Code Purple*, people!” but then Bill laughed and said, “I’m just kidding,” which got me chuckling and the receptionist and the rest of the waiting room roaring with laughter. Oh, my class clown.

*Code Purple is a psychiatric emergency

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Holden's Room!

After what seemed like 10,000 layers of spackle and paint and repairs, the nursery is complete!



Friday, March 12, 2010

When You’re Married to a Geek

While I picked out pretty much everything for the nursery (to my utter delight, Bill basically said, ”Order everything we need”), I left the baby monitor up to Bill since he is the tech savvy one in the household. I figured that he would get something simple and, my biggest concern, something that would not have interference issues since we live in such close proximity to other families. But then I was reminded that I am married to a geek.

Bill didn’t get just any run-of-the-mill baby monitor. That simply would not do. Our baby monitor, called the Ycam*, is Wi-Fi enabled with multi-client access and password protection. It has a camera that offers high-quality video and sound. That’s right. It records live video. But how, you may ask, can it record video at night? Why through its infrared night vision that automatically turns on in low light conditions. But that’s not all. Our humble baby monitor also has motion detection and will alert us via email and uploaded images of the detected motion. It also offers live stream through our iPhones. Which brings me to Bill’s favorite feature: he can watch live video of our little tyke from work or pretty much anywhere so long as he has his phone or laptop with him. He even suggested that if I want to nap while the baby naps, he’ll keep an eye on him from work through the live video.

Now how cool is that?


Friday, March 5, 2010

Huff and a Puff

Today was really nice and the snow has been long melted, so we decided to take the dogs up to the Fells for a small hike. And I mean a small hike. As Bill pointed out, we use to run the trails. But now that I am 8 1/2 months pregnant, it's about all I can do. For the most part, the trails were slow sloping, but there were a few sections of some steep inclines. On one of the last such sections, Bill suggested that perhaps city walking (that is, flat terrain) was the best for someone as pregnant as me. I replied,"Oh no. *huff* This is good for me. *huff* It's got my pump blooding." To which Bill said,"Good. And I can see that a lot of it is getting to your brain."

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bill's First Post

I realized today how self-centered I can be...

Jess and I spent our weekend in baby classes. On Saturday it was "Newborn Essentials" and on Sunday it was "Prepared Childbirth." To be honest, "Prepared Childbirth" was the only class out of the five classes we have taken that we were both dreading. She was dreading it because of the rumored gory child birth videos, and I thought I was dreading it out of empathy for her. To our delight, the class wasn't that bad. The videos were well edited and the childbirth process didn't seem as bad as we thought it would. We both left the class in high spirits.

Then we went upstairs for a tour of the delivery room. Jess and I got separated momentarily while I held the door for the 10 other pregnant women, and because the room was too small for me to make my way back to her side, I just stayed behind for the delivery room portion of the tour.

I was impressed with how state of the art everything was. To me, nothing in the world could have been better for delivering Holden into this world. The delivery room had all of the latest technologies, is in one of the best hospitals in the world, and the hospital has a Level III NICU and is directly across the street from the Children's Hospital. What else could you ask for? So, I was surprised to find Jessica in a sour mood as she left the delivery room. Surprised probably isn't the right word-- more like bothered. What else could she want?

On the way home Jess started crying and, like any expecting father would do, I comforted her and told her that I too "thought the delivery room was too sterile," even though deep down I knew it was as good as it gets.

Then 24 hours later it hit me: she wasn't upset by the quality of the room or hospital, she was upset in the same way that a death row inmate would be upset if he were given a tour of the electric chair 6 weeks before his execution date. I can't believe it took me so long to figure that out. I am so sorry, Jess.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Holy Pregnancy Brain!

I know that I have been totally slacking on the blog updates, but let me just say, “Holy pregnancy brain!” One reason that I have not been updating the blog much is because, quite frankly, I can no longer write. It frightens me a little. My I.Q. has dropped by about 50 points. Just the other day, I was trying to type “broadcast.” But I kept writing “prodcast” and then got incredibly frustrated because spell check was not recognizing the word. “Stupid spell check! What good are you?!” Then it dawned on me, after about 5 minutes, that “broadcast” does not in fact start with a “p” but a “b.” Clearly spell check is just not equipped to deal with my new special needs.

I’m even having difficulty with numbers. I had to replay a voice message more than ten times because I kept writing down the wrong number. It was like my ears, brain and hands were not connecting, no matter how hard I worked to get them in sync.

I am fairly O.C.D. when it comes to my writing. And now that my writing and spelling and grammar and proofreading has become completely erratic, I don’t know what to do! I feel like I am experiencing a really bad high. Things aren’t as they appear and I am totally paranoid that I will never go back to normal.

I suppose I do feel a bit better having put this all out there. At least if I end up posting complete gibberish, you’ll know that I have not started using drugs, I’m just high on oxytocin.*

*oxytocin is a pregnancy hormone. Fun fact: “Certain learning and memory functions are impaired by centrally administered oxytocin” (Wikipedia).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

7 1/2 Months!

Bill calls this look "Denial." He said,"Why don't you go buy some clothes that fit?" to which I said,"What do you mean?"