So, even though my due date is not until next Monday, for the last two weeks I have been in a state where my doctor said I could go into labor at anytime. But the baby seems content to stay put and we have found ourselves in the not so fun waiting period. I’m a planner and as much as I have prepared myself to accept the unknown and have been told a thousand times that even with all the advancement in medicine there is still no predicting just when the baby will come, I am finding the waiting stressful. People keep telling me that everything will work out and be fine and that I don’t need to worry, but I can’t help myself. I worry, and that’s why I like to plan. But perhaps this is one of my first lessons in parenting--- patience and flexibility.
One thing that I can look forward to is that maybe he will be born on Saturday. Wouldn’t 4-10-2010 be a cool birthday? Did you hear that, Holden? 4-10-2010. Why don’t you aim for that date, little guy.
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