Tuesday was such a happy day for us. As I recount the morning, I can’t help but smile.
Tuesday I had my second ultrasound and our amazing little Twiglet showed off the whole time. Bill and I were both astonished by how quickly he (we don’t know the gender yet, but for simplicity, I’ll call it he) had developed from a blob on the screen only 4 weeks ago to this very active little being. When the radiologist first ran the scanner across my belly, Twiglet was staring right at us in an adorable pose. He had one hand resting on his chin and the other resting on the side of his head, as if to say, “Why hello. I have been waiting for you” because right after that brief pose, his amazing show began. He started with some impressive kick and spin moves. He then moved on to jumping and literally began bouncing off my uterine walls. Bill kept asking if I could feel it and I was surprised that I couldn’t because there was so much activity! Even the radiologist broke out and laughed because she was trying to take measurements, but our little one would not stay still. He briefly stopped his bouncing and began opening and closing his mouth quickly, clearly chatty like his mother. He had a lot to say, but soon continued his bouncing around and added a little gymnastics, grabbing his legs and showing off how flexible he is. And proving that he is a child of Bill’s, he briefly turned and mooned us (his little behind was so darn cute!). He must have tired himself out after this 30 minute show because he started sucking his thumb (it was so cool to see!) and calmed himself down.
Bill and I spent most of the exam in awe. Before today, I did not really feel pregnant. I saw the changes in my body, but it was still surreal for me. But watching Twiglet live on the video screen immediately made it all real for me and I have been beaming all day. Especially since so many of his characteristics, between the hyper play to the chat break to the sucking of his thumb, already shows that he is definitely a child of ours. In fact, as soon as he put his hands to his mouth, I said, “that is not my fault!” (As you all probably know I am a chronic nail biter and Bill is constantly saying to me, “get your fingers out of your mouth!” haha).
On a last note, I must warn you that Bill, who has been so excited about my pregnancy that he has been telling almost every person we encounter (strangers included), is now armed with photos. The radiologist printed out about five photos of Twiglet’s little presentation, showing him in his various poses (I even ordered a CD of the entire ultrasound because there are just too many funny poses not to have on record). On the way home, Bill kept pulling out the photos and trying to show off his amazing little one to complete strangers. They thought he was a little nuts-o (it probably didn’t help that he kept referring to Twiglet as our “Cat-Monkey Baby”), but it is endearing how proud he already is of our amazing Twiglet.
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