Many people have been interested to know how I have been feeling so far, so I thought I would give the people what they want and offer a little taste in the world of a pregnant Jessica. Now, those who know me, know that I have always been a little quirky (okay, a lot). I have always been weird about smells and have always been a very very picky eater. Picky probably doesn’t even suffice as the right word. So, even before I was pregnant, aware of the stereotypical traits of pregnancy such as a heightened sense of smell and food aversions, I was curious to find out how pregnancy would affect me.
Well, let me tell you. The crazy has just gotten crazier. Let’s start with the cravings. The cravings have been interesting. For example, I have been going ga-ga for celery. Yes, celery, as in the torture food of dieticians. I just can’t get enough. I usually like to put peanut butter on it, but sometimes I just have to go without because the peanut butter takes away from the flavorfulness of the plain celery stick.
As far as food aversions go, you can pretty much assume that if it is food, I am going to have an aversion to it. Other than a few exceptions, like celery, for the most part I am like a dog that won’t pee twice in the same place. Once I have eaten something, no matter how badly I may have been craving it, it is immediately promoted to my “bad” list. I have even had to switch up the type of apples I eat.
But what has been even more strange than my aversions to food, has been my aversions to things. Yes, things. Let me lay out a quick list for you:
Bad List
1. Window fans
2. The show “Weeds”
3. Vampires
4. Dirty dishes (a convenient one, I know)
5. Water goblets
6. District 9. aliens
I’m not exactly sure how these things got on my bad list. Just all of a sudden I wanted to vomit at the mention of “Weeds” or at the thought of drinking out of a water goblet. You can image what life is now for Bill. No pregnancy book could have prepared him for the crazy world of a pregnant Jessica. But I like to think that it is that kind of uniqueness that makes him love me so much. Now I am going to go eat some celery…
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