Saturday, November 27, 2010

Adventurer Terwilliger

Life is just an adventure to Holden. No challenge too great.

First challenge: a car seat blocking his door to the hall.

Challenge accepted!

Holden spots a small opening between the seat and the doorway. A lesser man would deem it too small, but not Holden. After much grunting and yelling, he pushes his way through the opening and finds his way into the hall.


Next challenge: a sleeping dog in the hallway.

Challenge accepted!

He tries to go around the back, but Mac moves, stretching his body across the entire hall. Holden pauses to reevaluate the situation. He decides that he has no choice, but to go over the dog. With each hand, he grabs a chunk of fur and starts to make his way over when the beast awakes. He looks him right in the eye, and then charges forward. The beast is not happy and tries to get him off. A battle ensues.

Oh! Challenge intercepted by Mom!

Here's a video of the start of this little adventure: