Friday, May 28, 2010

Strongman Terwilliger

Holden is super strong. I swear he was working out in-utero, which would explain all the crazy movements I felt while I was pregnant. He actually loves "exercise." It's really cute. He has been able to hold his head up since the beginning and he started putting weight on his legs a couple of weeks ago. He quickly moved up to being able to stand only holding our hands. He really likes it and as he does it he gets super excited and starts smiling and making grunting noises like a weightlifter. It cracks me up. He'll look right at me as he does it and when I say, "Oh! You're so strong!" he gets even more excited.

Holden loves tummy time, too, which really threw me off because every kid I have tried tummy time with has hated it. When he first started doing it, which was pretty much as soon as we brought him home, we tried to start him slow with small intervals. But he'll cry and get really mad if we flip him over to his back. And when we flip him back on his belly, he’ll start to “coo” happily. It’s so funny.

We took this photo today. He stood like that for about a minute. Not bad for only 5 weeks old.


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Happy Baby

(You'll have to excuse my silly speech.)

Corn on the Cob Kisses

Mommy found a Moment...

So, Bill asked me, "When are you going to update the blog?" to which I said, "My big activity this morning was that I was finally able to go to the bathroom after holding it for hours, but yes, let me get on that blog."

I was only half kidding. I really can't complain. My amazing husband has been taking care of everything, from making sure I am well fed to all the house chores to taking care of the dogs to making late night runs to the store for baby wipes, so that my only “job” has had to be smothering our beautiful child with endless hugs and kisses. Bill has even been taking over the kissing and hugging for several hours, so that I can get a nice long stretch of sleep (I’ve been pumping so he can give the little guy a bottle). The other night I got a full 8 hours of sleep. It was incredible. And in addition to all of this, he still finds the time to smother me in kisses and tell me how beautiful he thinks I am. I have never felt more like a queen.

Not only do I have an amazing husband, but I have a fabulous son. Since the day Holden was born, Bill and I have been saying to each other “What did we do to deserve such a great kid?” Holden is sweet and cuddly, happy and smiley, alert and curious. He loves to be held and is easy to soothe. He is a very happy baby. Last night he cast his dad and I under a spell as we sat and watched him laugh in his sleep. And there has been no greater feeling than picking him up and getting a big smile in return. He makes his likes and dislikes known, but there has been nothing that some kisses and cuddling hasn’t been able to fix.

The last three weeks have been wonderful, but surreal. I still can’t believe that what I am living is my life. I feel incredibly blessed by my amazing family. I have no idea what I have done to deserve them all or the life that I have. I can’t believe that my “job” is to spend every day hanging out with my wonderful little boy and our sweet and loving dogs. Life is good.